EzFlow World Of Riches Gel Collection - 7pc
A World Of Riches offers a wealth of color at your fingertips with gel colors that have the luster of pure metals with perfect mirror power. Let this gel collection satisfy your craving for the beauty and elegance found in gleaming metals.
* Long Lasting
* Natural Looking
* High Shine
* Chip Proof
* Long Lasting
* Natural Looking
* High Shine
* Chip Proof
Kit contains:
1 - Gold Fleck 0.25oz. (7gr)
1 - Bronzer 0.25oz. (7gr)
1 - Blush Gold 0.25oz. (7gr)
1 - Liquid Copper 0.25oz. (7gr)
1 - Red Metal 0.25oz. (7gr)
1 - Platinum 0.25oz. (7gr)
1 - Gel it! Clear it! (.5oz)